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© Januar 2013


As part of the history of boomerang, I would limit myself at this point to clear up two "half-truths":

First Half-truth: The boomerang comes from Australia

This is only partly true. Boomerangs were found throughout the world, the oldest in Poland, Egypt and Holland. It is assumed that the boomerang was a logical development in the history of mankind. Man wanted to hunt, he first tried to kill animals with "draft bullet", e.g. with stones and sticks. Eventually he realized that curved sticks fly further and at some point that curved sticks that were especially worked to come back. Later the boomerangs were replaced by spears, spear throwers, bows, crossbows and finally firearms.
It may be that this development is happening around the world independently of each other. Therefore, it is not quite true to say that the boomerang came only from Australia (probably he has been used there only for the longest).

Second Half-truth: The boomerang was a weapon

Even that is only partly true. There are two types of boomerangs, returnees and non-returnees.

  • The non-returnees (including Kylie's called) were quite large and heavy and flew only straight. Indeed this makes sense, because it is much easier to hit a target on a straight path, than in a curve.

    ein Nichtrückkehrer

  • Returnees (up our currently known boomerangs) flying a circular path and came back to the thrower. They are probably first arose by chance. They were not suitable for hunting (except perhaps to startle birds) and were used more for games, rituals, etc. .

    ein Rückkehrer