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© Januar 2013


Boomerang sport is suitable for everyone, regardless of whether he / she wants is "just for fun" throw or want to compete with the best of the best. And everyone is always welcome at the tournaments, whether young, old, women, men, beginners. Do not be shy, here are happy to help.


Nun zum Sport:

Safty rules!

To avoid accidents at boomerang throwing and the fun remains, you have to observe the following rules:

  • Throw only on open ground without obstacles (either fixed or live). Preferably in fields, lawns and sports fields.
  • Ensure that there is nobody in your throwing direction and in the return direction of the boomerang. In doubt always prefer to wait for the "air" is pure.
  • Keep you (and any spectators) the boomerang from the discard to catch (or crash) always (ALWAYS) in the eye in order to respond to unexpected incidents.
  • In one group, participants should not throw, always stand in a greater distance behind the thrower
  • Throw always just individually. And sequentially. The next one should throw only when its predecessors has completed his throw / catch.
  • Catch the boomerang never in front of your face. Whenever possible, rather beside the body. In doubt:
  • If you're not be so sure by catching boomerangs - in doubt let the boomerang fly by or fall!
  • Throw only when weather conditions permit. Especially strong wind is dangerous as a boomerang in may fall significantly off track and can crash uncontrollably. Rain and snow is not so bad, but then should the footwear be adapted to the conditions, so you do not crash.


Basic rules

  • In all disciplines the boomerang must reach a minimum range of 20 m. The thrower is usually in a kind of a dartboard drawn to the floor . In the center there is a circle with a radius of 2 m. from which the thrower must throw usually. Then follow other circuits in the 2 m spacing up to a 10 m line . On the outside there is the 20-meter circle, where line judges check whether the boomerang has reached the minimum range. Furthermore, there is a main referee and two or three auxiliary referee. They look at foot fault, measure time, evaluate accuracy etc.

Ein Bumerang-Wurfkreis



Fast Catch is the sprint discipline of the boomerangsport. The thrower must complete 5 throws incl catch as soon as possible . The timer stops when the thrower his fifth catch has completed and again in the discharge circle is. If the thrower is not a boomerang catches, he can continue to throw until he has achieved his 5 valid trials. The discipline is thrown in two rounds, the best time is included in the summary.

WR: Adam Ruhf /USA 14,06 Sekunden


May e.g. a
Fast Catch boomerang look:



To remain with the comparison, Endurance is the endurance discipline (as the name already says :-). The thrower must try in 5 minutes to complete as many throws (with catching) as possible.

WR: Manuel Schütz/CH 81 Fänge


May e.g. a
Endurance boomerang look:

Ein Endurance Bumerang


Accuracy 50 / 100

Here it revolves around the accuracy of the return of the boomerang. After the release of the boomerang, the thrower must not touch or catch. Assessed is the point where are the boomerang remains. The closer to the center (10 points), the higher the score. Points are obtained from the 10-meter circle. There are 5 rounds to throw and the points are added.
This discipline is either with one boomerang (Accuracy 50) or with two boomerang always performed sequentially (Accuracy 100). If the thrower found in all 5 rounds always the bullseye, he may throw further as long as he hits the bullseye.

WR: Th. Sterenberger/CH 68 Punkte
WR: Alex Opri und Fridolin Frost/ beide D mit jeweils 99 Punkten


May e.g. a
Accuracy boomerang look:



MTA 100 / Unlimitted

MTA = Maximum Time Aloft. The thrower must throw within a 100 meter diameter circle and also has to catch somewhere within this circle again. Is measured by throw onto the catch. The best time of 5 attempts will be scored.
There is a variant without limitation through the 100 m circle, "unlimitted" called.

WR: Eric Darnell/USA 104,47 sec.
WR: Betsylew Miale-G./USA 229,82 sec.


May e.g. a
MTA boomerang look:


Aussie Round

Australian Round is the "royal discipline" of the boomerang throwing. It's about distance, accuracy and return catching. The throwing circle is expanded by adding a 30 meter circle, a circle 40 m and a 50 m circle. Then there are points as follows:
For the distance up to 6 points (50 m), the accuracy of catch up to 10 points (the bullseye) and for catching 4 points. So you can get a maximum of 20 points per throw. There are 5 rounds thrown and and all points will be counted together.

WR: Fridolin Frost/D 99 Punkte


May e.g. a
Aussie Round boomerang look:



At Trick Catch the thrower first must complete 10 prescribed catches (with different valence) with one boomerang. Then 10 prescribed catches (with different valence) simultaneously with two boomerangs.
These include e.g. catching with one hand or behind the back or under a leg - up to a catching with the feet (Footcach). The points of all catches are counted that have been performed correctly.. The thrower may reach a maximum of 100 points in a game. If a thrower has achieved this, he must start all over again, until he fails a catch.

WR: Manuel Schütz/CH 533Punkte


Sun e.g. can
Trick Catch look like(here Oli Thienhaus, one of the best
Thrower in Germany)::



Juggling is performed rarely. The thrower has two boomerangs, which he throws in turns, one boomerang always must be in the air.


Long Distance

Long Distance is usually outside normal tournaments thrown at their own events, because you need significantly more space and time in the conduct:
It will be rated the distance at the turning point of the boomerang.

WR: Manuel Schütz/CH 238 Meter


Team Competitions

Regional team competitions are held rarely, but always traditionally at the world championships.



This, too, will be held not in competition because this discipline will cost a lot of time. Most events will take place this own. It simply count the correctly executed throws / catches up to the first drop.

WR: Haruki Taketomi/J 2251 Fänge (11 Stunden und 41 Minuten)